Federación Nacional de Biocombustibles

It is a space that promotes scientific production and social appropriation of knowledge, through the dissemination of research related to Biofuels, energy transition and air quality, Biofuels production technologies, Sustainability in the biofuels sector and Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and Sustainable Marine Fuel (SMF).

The scientific room is made up of the scientific committee, a consultative body of the Federation, which integrates the participation of a group of experts who practice research, teaching and dissemination of knowledge associated with topics of interest to the biofuels sector.

It has the participation of 14 members, representatives of various national and international institutions.

John Ramiro Agudelo
Hotel Estelar
John Ramiro Agudelo

Mechanical Engineer from Universidad de Antioquia.

Research dedicated to the impact of fossil and alternative fuels, additives and mechanical and electronic devices on the mechanical performance, pollutant emissions and particulate matter of internal combustion engines and vehicles. Extensive experience in engine bench testing, as well as on-board emission and particulate matter measurements, and numerical simulation of engine thermodynamic and fluid processes.

Quelbis Román Quintero
Hotel Estelar
Quelbis Román Quintero

D. in Mechanical Engineering Sciences.
Assistant university professor at Universidad de Sucre in Sincelejo, Sucre.

Researcher with experience in the development of biofuels and biorefineries from agricultural, livestock and urban solid wastes, as well as in sustainable agroenergy systems.
He has extensive experience as a consultant in the energy and environmental sectors, both nationally and internationally, and obtained his current position through a merit-based competition in the professional area of agricultural construction of the Agricultural Engineering program.

Viatcheslav Kafarov
Hotel Estelar
Viatcheslav Kafarov

Full Professor Laureate, Director of the Center for Research on Sustainable Development in Industry and Energy

Coordinator of the Special Projects of institutional character at the Universidad Industrial de Santander, Senior Researcher of Colciencias, Dr.-Ing habil (Dr. Sc.), Martin Luther Halle University Wittenberg, Germany; Ph. D. in Technical Sciences 1985; and Chemical Engineer, Russian University of Chemical Technology, D. I Mendeleyev, Moscow, Russia, M.Sc. in Mathematics, M. B. Lomonosov State University.

Carlos Alberto Guerrero
Hotel Estelar
Carlos Alberto Guerrero

Chemist and Msc in Environmental Engineering from Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Mechanical Engineer from INCCA University.

Research areas in heterogeneous catalysis, design of catalytic processes in hydrocarbon oxidation, biofuel production, conversion of biomass into energy products and platform organic molecules through the design of thermal processes and bioprocesses. Development of graphene materials from mineral carbon and biochar.

Lina Martínez Valencia
Hotel Estelar
Lina Martínez Valencia

Chemical Engineer, University of America Foundation.

Research interests include renewable fuels, value chains, bioeconomy and sustainability. Experience in the palm, oil, gas, and mass transportation sectors.

She is currently a postdoctoral research associate at Washington State University. She is working on shaping the value chain for sustainable jet fuel in the Pacific Northwest United States.

Sebastián Ospina Castro
Hotel Estelar
Sebastián Ospina Castro

Master in Mechanical Engineering

Technological extensionist and consultant with experience in problem diagnosis, solution ideation and project formulation and management. Professional performance as a research consultant in the areas of Energy, Transportation, Energy Transition, Biofuels, Renewable Energies and Emissions supporting the generation of regulation and policy to different national and international entities in the mentioned topics. Professor at the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.

Andrés Felipe Suárez Escobar
Hotel Estelar
Andrés Felipe Suárez Escobar

Chemical Engineer with Master's and Doctorate in Science - Chemistry in the area of physicochemistry of solutions.

He participated in the CLIVAR (Climate Variability and Repeatability) project of NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) by the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science of Miami University to monitor various physical, chemical and biological parameters in the Pacific Ocean. He has been a speaker at a large number of international events and author of articles in internationally indexed journals.

Dayana Agudelo Castañeda
Hotel Estelar
Dayana Agudelo Castañeda

D. in Remote Sensing and M.Sc in Water Resources and Environmental Sanitation from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Deliver enthusiastic and engaging lectures to environmental engineering and air quality students. Completion of master's degree in environmental engineering. Researcher in air quality, i.e. low cost sensors, passive sampling of NO2, bioaerosols, LUR, airborne particulate modeling, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons associated with airborne particles and airborne particle size distribution.

Mónica Cuellar
Hotel Estelar
Mónica Cuellar

Professional in Chemistry and Master in Administration

With more than 18 years of experience in the identification and development of new business options, based on the analysis of the environment, the identification of opportunities and risks, as well as the definition of strategies for their implementation, in sectors such as palm oil, biofuels and renewable energies.
Leader of new business development at the National Federation of Oil Palm Growers (Fedepalma).

Carlos Mateus
Hotel Estelar
Carlos Mateus

Lawyer, with specialization and master's degree in law and economics obtained in Italy.

To date, Legal Director of the National Biofuels Federation of Colombia. He has previously served as Private Manager of the palm, oils, vegetable fats and biofuels sector for the Colombian Productive Transformation Program; Director of Planning and Development of Archibus Solution Center Hosting Services Spain in Spain; Executive Director of the Industrial and Medicinal Gases Sector Chamber at ANDI.

Carlos Graterón
Hotel Estelar
Carlos Graterón

Chemist from Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), Specialist in quality management from Universidad del Norte.

Technical Director of the National Biofuels Federation of Colombia, entity in charge of the promotion and sustainable development of the biofuels agroindustry, president of ICONTEC's standardization committee 186, he also has experience in the formulation of projects for the assembly and start-up of biofuels production plants, management of production processes, quality assurance and control of liquid fuels, fuel alcohols and biodiesel.

Lyndon W. Jay Huffington
Hotel Estelar
Lyndon W. Jay Huffington

Professor, Universidad Externado de Colombia

Lawyer from the Universidad Externado de Colombia and PhD candidate in Economics, Business and Law at the University of Almeria, Spain. Master in Law and Development from the University of Melbourne, Australia, with scholarships from the Universidad Externado de Colombia, Colfuturo and the International Bar Association (IBA). With specializations in Administrative Law and Mining and Energy Law from the same university.

Jhon Martinez
Hotel Estelar
Jhon Martinez

Director of Renewable Energy and New Businesses

Association of Sugar Cane Growers of Colombia.
Economist, Finance Specialist, MBA, with extensive knowledge of sugar, agricultural, biomass and bioenergy issues. Passionate about innovation.

Natalia Marcela López Dimaté
Hotel Estelar
Natalia Marcela López Dimaté

Sustainability Analyst in Fedebiocombustibles

Professional in Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, with specialization in Climate Change Projects and currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation. She has a solid background and experience in environmental education, carbon footprint calculations according to international protocols, greenhouse gas reduction projects and energy transition. In addition, she has skills in data management and analysis, technical report writing and management of innovative strategies oriented to sustainable development and carbon reduction, with a practical and applicable approach at the territorial level.

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Scope of the call

The call is aimed at researchers and research groups from all over the world that adopt strategies for the social appropriation of knowledge and transfer of results in the thematic areas described below.

Thematic axes

The thematic axes of the scientific room of the V International Biofuels Conference correspond to:

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) y Sustainable Marine Fuel (SMF): Includes research related to production, emissions, routes and raw materials for the production of these fuels.

Biofuels, energy transition and air quality: It includes research related to first-generation biofuels, hydrogen, renewable diesel, renewable gasoline and biogas and their impacts and benefits on air quality, energy transition and engines.

Technologies in the production of biofuels: It includes research related to technologies such as fermentation, transesterification, esterification, Fischer-Tropsch, hydrogenation, dehydration, among others.

Sustainability in the biofuels sector: It includes research related to the application of sustainable practices in each phase of the biofuels value chain, from the procurement of raw materials to their production, distribution and final use. It includes studies on carbon footprint, water footprint, energy efficiency, employability, gender and corporate governance. Also of interest are studies that address public policies (tax incentives, emission reduction regulations, support programs for the development of low-emission fuels, among others).

Stages of the process

The call for papers consists of four phases: abstract submission, review and pre-selection of papers, full paper submission and final evaluation.

a. Call for Abstracts

In the first phase, research abstracts are invited for submission. Proposals will be accepted in Spanish or English.

It should have a maximum length of 300 words and a minimum of 200 words, and should include the following information: title, authors, institutional affiliation, introduction, objectives, methodology, results, conclusions and references.

The deadline for receipt of abstracts is January 31, 2024.

b. Review and pre-selection of papers.

In the review and pre-selection phase, the scientific committee team will be in charge of filling out the abstract evaluation form and the papers with scores higher than 4.0 will move on to the next phase, that is, to the full paper application.

The maximum notification date is February 2, 2024.

c. Application for the complete work.

Third, for those researchers who move on to the full paper application phase, they must submit a document that meets the following requirements:

- The length of the paper is limited to 16 pages (including graphs, tables and references).

- Graphs, tables and images should also be sent as separate files.

- Name the file containing the text of the article with the surname of the first author without marks (an example: choi.doc).

- Name other files (graphs, images) with the surname of the first author without marks, in addition write a type of supplement (a graph, an image) and an ordinal number of a relevant supplement type. Separate all words with underline marks “_” (an example: choi_graph_1.xls, choi_graph_2.xls, choi_pic_1.jpg).

The deadline for receipt of full papers is February 28, 2025.

d. Final evaluation.

In the final evaluation phase, the scientific committee team will be in charge of filling out the evaluation form and the papers with scores higher than 4.5 will have the opportunity to participate in the spaces dedicated to the exhibition of research projects in the scientific room. The article with the highest score will have the opportunity to present in plenary.

e. Participation incentives.

Researchers who obtain scores higher than 4.5, will have:

Free registration to the event.

2. Exhibition of the research in the scientific room.

3. Food at the event.

4. Certificate of participation.

The researcher who has presented the best paper will have a place in the academic agenda and will present his/her work in the plenary session. He/she will also be provided with food, tickets and lodging.

For additional information write to the e-mail address: saloncientifico@fedebiocombustibles.com